

Why do hamsters eat the pups if dead?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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12y ago

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After giving birth, hamsters are low on protein. If they find a dead hamter they will eat it to build up more strenght becasuse of birth.


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Q: Why do hamsters eat the pups if dead?
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Do dwarf hamsters eat their pups?

no. that would be gross. they can only it pellets of food.

Will a mother hamster eat just one of her pups and not the others and not leave anything behind?

Hamsters eat the weak offspring that they think will not live very long to keep them from died a slow, painful death. So as nasty as it is, yes, hamsters eat some of their pups.

Does male hamsters eat their pups?

It dose depend but in some cases yes they do. If it is your hamsters first time having pups then yes there is a good chance she will. But if it is not her first time then she most likely wont.

Can a female and male short haired hamsters live together?

Not if you dont want babies and, if you do seperate the pups, bacause the father hamsters always kill or even eat the pups because he doesnt want them.

What are hamsters called?

Baby hamsters are called "pups".

Why do mother hamsters eat their pups?

extreme litter size, illness of pups, and lack of maternal experience are all possible causes of hamster pup cannibalism

What are baby hamsters called?

Baby hamsters are called "pups".

When can dwarf hamster pups eat seeds?

Dwarf hamsters can eat seeds one week after they are able to eat solid foods. This is when they are about 4 weeks old.

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How many pups do hamsters normally have?

Depending on which type of hamster you have they can have a litter from 2-3 or a litter larger than 15. But on average Dwarf hamsters have 10-13 pups, Syrian hamsters have 8-13 pups, and Teddy-bear hamsters have 15-17 pups. That's the averages but you can't predict because it might surprise you on how many they do have. Just plan for the most.

Do father teddy bear hamsters eat their babies?

Yes, the father teddy bear hamsters do eat their babies so if your hamster has babies separate the male from them.

Do hamsters eat their full grown babies?

No only seahorses do. Gerbils eat there dead.