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heavy rains combined with loss of vegetation due to wildfires trigger ... Although the term landslide is often used somewhat loosely to mean any fairly rapid ... What Kinds Of Mass Wasting Processes Do We See? ... Such falls can be triggered by freezing of water, the growth of plants

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Q: Why do heavy rain often triggers landslides?
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Why is shiwalik prone to landslides?

due to heavy rain there is soil erosion due to that landslides are frequent in the shivalik range By-SHREY SAXENA [CSI]

Does wind cause most landslides?

No. Wind plays little if any role in landslides. Most landslides are caused by heavy rain on unstable slopes, expecially where vegetation has been removed or burned. Earthquakes are another common cause of landslides.

What are the characteristics of mass wasting?

Heavy rain ,earthquakes,and lossen rocks and soil

Is there a connection between tsunami and extreme rain?

In virtually all cases, no. Tsunamis are usually triggered by earthquakes. However, there is one potential exception. Some tsunamis are triggered by landslides. Heavy rain can cause landslides in some areas.

Heavy smokers are often prone to what?

Heavy rain.

How are landslides causes?

Landslides typically occur after periods of heavy rain, when the ground has become waterlogged and unable to hold together. However, landslides can also be triggered by mining, leaking water pipes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Can heavey rain cause a tsunami?

Not directly. Heavy rain can lead to landslides which, if they hit water, can sometimes cause tsunamis. Most tsunamis, however, are caused by earthquakes.

Clay cliffs may do this after heavy rain?

slumping the slump this is where the land moves down. i know why you are asking this. my younger bro had to do the worksheet aswell slumping the slump this is where the land moves down. i know why you are asking this. my younger bro had to do the worksheet aswell

Can a tornado cause a landslide?

No. In very rare cases tornadoes can scour away a foot or two of soil, but that is the greatest effect they have on the ground itself. It should be noted, though, that tornadoes are often accompanied by heavy rain, which can cause landslides.

What time of the year do landslides occur?

Landslides typically occur after periods of heavy rain, when the ground has become waterlogged and unable to hold together. However, landslides can also be triggered by mining, leaking water pipes, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. So, whatever time of year an area has heavy rainfall would be the time when landslides would be more likely to occur. In the United States, that would generally be in the spring - March through May.

Does rain fall from cumulonimbus clouds?

yes often heavy rain but rain can fall from different types of clouds

What weather does cumulonimbus?

It brings rain, often fairly heavy.