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Grass is really hard to digest so they have to chew down the cell wall of the plant to digest it otherwise it'll come out exactly the way it was when it was eaten.

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Q: Why do herbivores like cows and horses have to chew and chew and chew their food?
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Does pigs ruminate?

cows and horses ruminate. This is when the food in the stomach is brought back to the mouse to re chew. Pig don't ruminate.

Are cows herbivories?

Herbivores are defined as animals that subsist on plants for all their food. So yes cows are Herbivores

Do cows make their own food?

No, they are herbivores.

How horses eat?

they chew on food

What do horses use their molars for?

To chew their food.

What are two herbivores?

Two examples of herbivores are horses and cows. Herbivores eat plants. Conivores eat meat. Omnivores eat both plants and meat.

What is the function of the diastema in herbivores?

The diastema in herbivores allows them to manipulate their food during mastication. It lets them use their tongues to push food over to their molars where they can chew it.

What does the word cuds mean from Bridge to Terabithia?

In "Bridge to Terabithia," the word "cuds" refers to the thing leftover when cows chew their food, which is referred to as regurgitated food. Jess says that it's when cows throw up and chew it again.

Where are the horses on the food chian?

Second to last right? Grass, horse, lion. that is an example.

What is to ruminate?

it's when cows eat food, digest it partially, the food comes back >and they chew it again< -- > to ruminate

What food chain is horses in?

herbivores, they can get eaten, but dont hunt themselves

Do horses chew their cud?

no, although pigs are a part of the livestock they do not need to chew cud. this is becaue they only have one stomach whareas animals such as sheep goats and cows chew cud this is because there stomach consists of four diffrent chambers.