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Q: Why do historians have to evaluate the sources about a past event?
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Why do historians ask questions to evaluate their sources?

Asking questions helps them investigate the past in a meaningful way. They also focus the historians research.

Why are written sources important to historians?

Written sources provide direct evidence of past events, beliefs, and perspectives, allowing historians to construct accurate and detailed accounts of history. They can offer insights into the thoughts and motivations of individuals and societies, providing a window into the past that may not be available through other means. Written sources also help historians to corroborate information and evaluate its reliability.

Who are the people who study of it variety of sources about the past?

They are historians.

What is one term for one kind or source most used by historians to answer questions about the past?

Primary sources are used commonly among historians. A primary source of information is an account from someone that was present at a certain time or event.

How sources help historians to understand the past?

by annilising what they used and their traditions................................................................................................................................... ..................................................... ........................................................................................... ....................................................... ............................................................................................................ ................................ .............................................................................................................................................. ............................................. ..........................................................................................................................

The two different kinds of sources used most by historians to answer questions about the past include what?

primary and secondary sources.

What do the two different kinds of sources used most by historians to answer questions about the past include?

primary and secondary sources.

What is the special role of the historian in understanding the past?

1.Historiography is the study of the history and methodology of the discipline of history. 2.Historiography is the study of the way history has been and is written. Historians often ask questions about the past in order to understand the present, historians use a variety of methods to help them answer questions about what happened in the past and historians examine evidence and draw conclusions as they answer historical questions. Methods historians use to help them answer questions about what happened in the past... Primary Sources • Primary source-something created by person who witnessed event - letters, diaries, eyewitness articles, videos, speeches, artifacts Secondary Sources • Secondary source-created after event by person who didnʼt witness it - books, paintings, media reports based on primary sources - appear after event and can provide more balanced view of event Oral History • Some cultures have no written records. • Oral history-unwritten verbal accounts of events - stories, customs, songs, histories, traditions - passed from generation to generation There is a important fact for historians to understand the past so it could be recorded aproperly.

Why do historians use the historical thinking skill of interpretation?

To develop a deeper understanding of the past by using sources

What sources historians use to study the past?

Fossils, Artifacts, or they search in libraries for history books or old books about the past.

What sources do historians use to study the past?

Fossils, Artifacts, or they search in libraries for history books or old books about the past.

Why do historians use historical thinking skills?

To develop a deeper understanding of the past by using sources