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Q: Why do historians use term Greco-roman art?
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Historians are referring to the period of expanding democracy in the 1820s and 1830s. :)

What are the three ways that art historians analyze works of art?

They use form, content or theme, and context. straight from my AP art history book ;)

Modern historians use the term baroque to indicate?

a period of decline in arts

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With regards to the US Civil War, many historians prefer to use the term of The War Between the States. For some historians, what is generally called the US Civil War, is not an accurate use of the term "civil war".

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People who write about art composition are often art historians, critics, or students. Students write abotu art composition to learn what choices other artists have made and get ideas about compositions they can use. Art historians often look for patterns and popular compositions. Art critics are judging the aesthetic nature of a painting.

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Principate is a term historians use for the first three hundred years of Rome's 503-years of rule by emperors. The head of state was the princeps (which means first citizen, first among equals). Historians use the term emperor instead of princeps

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