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They generally do not. It just depends on the type of claims you filed while in that previous home.

Claims that result from natural occurrences (Wind, Hail, lightning, etc) are not surcharged against you. These types of losses are beyond our control.

Claims that result from negligence, apathy, lack of maintenance, lack of moral or lifestyle will be. this is because these types of claims are attributable to the owners own actions or in-action and not the home or it's geographic location.

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Q: Why do homeowner insurance companies add a surcharge for a claim from different home?
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Will a DUI show up in insurance?

Assuming you mean car insurance, without a doubt the answer is yes. You will likely face what is known as a 'surcharge' meaning your rates will increase, just as if you had an accident. If you homeowner's insurance, that depends on the state, but the answer is most likely "no".

Is there a surcharge for a first time homeowner claim in Massachusetts?

I don't know what you mean by surcharge but you must pay the deductible unless the claim exceeds your policy limits.

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No there is no surcharge on a hit and run accident but your deductible still stands. thanks for the question

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Most insurance companies will not insure a home with a trampoline. Check with your agent. Regardless, evey homeowner should have at least $500,000 liability coverage if not 1 Mil. It is very affordable. 4lifeguild

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Why do you have to pay an insurance surcharge?

Because if you don't you will be paying nothing for your bill . If it is overdue.

Do insurance companies add a surcharge of 25 percent to the homeowners policy premium for five years after a first time claim in 20 years?

They most certainly do not all do this. Go get yourself an new company.

What is an insurance surcharge?

Insurance Surchargesa Surcharge is somthing you are being charged extra for because of a specific reason or risk... such as a Surcharge for underage drivers, or a surcharge for a Wood Burning stove... they burn alot of houses you know... ya.. so its just an extra charge they give you to insure you. Here are some examples on Auto Insurance PolicesUndisclosed Household Drivers SurchargeUndisclosed Tickets SurchageYoung Driver SurchargeInexperienced Driver SurchargeHigh Risk Driver SurchargeHigh Risk Vehicle SurchargeModified Vehicle SurchargeHappy Motoring

Which States include a premium surcharge on commercial line insurance?

The premium surcharge would generally be administered by the insurance company for loss history, high risk businesses, condition of premises, etc. If you would like to check with the department of insurance for your state, they may be able to answer your question in greater detail.

Not paying insurance surcharge will it effect your credit score or will the insurance policy just simply be cancelled?

The surcharge is part of the bill and I imagine your policy would get canceled if not paid in full eventually. If it does get canceled you will find it difficult to get insurance through another company and they can ding your credit for non payment but usually that take a few months depending on the company.

Can an insurance company in NJ continue to charge a surcharge for an accident even if insurance points were reduced to 0?

Get proof from the vehicle department and drop it on your broker's desk.

Why would you be charged more for pl pd if you don't have any medical insurance?

I think you are referring to PIP coverage? There may be some states that surcharge if you do not have medical insurance as PIP pays for injuries, or death in an auto accident. Most states and insurance companies offer a discount if you do have medical insurance as your medical insurance can also pay for your injuries. Many PIP policies only pay a % of injuries up to a maximum of $10,000.