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Because hormones have specific hormone binding sites to act

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9y ago

No,there is no such thing.Some hormones stimulate production of other hormonest.They are called tropic hormones.

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Q: Why do hormones affect some organs but not others?
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How do you some hormones affect only certain cells in the body but not others?

These cells have specific types of receptors on their membranes.

What are the examples of hormones that target organs involved in reproduction?

normone ,cgastrin which is produced by some cells of stomach

What two body systems interact to deliever hormones to the organs they affect?

Although some hormones are stimulated for release by humoral factors (nutrient and ion concentrations), most are either directly stimulated for release by the nervous system or indirectly stimulated for release though inhibitory or releasing hormones via the hypothalamus which is also part of the nervous system. The transport part of your question is that the endocrine system relies on the cardiovascular system to circulate the hormones throughout the body in order to reach their target organs.

Steroid hormones are produced by what?

By glands. Hormones are produced only by the endocrine glands, e.g., the pituitary, the adrenals, etc.. Hormones are "chemical messengers": they are sent by the glands to target organs and stimulate them to produce specific effects, e.g. the hormone thyroxin is manufactured by the thyroid gland to regulate the metabolism.

What organs do cannabis affect?

Some of the biological processes include sex organs

When your dehydrated what organs try to protect themselves?

Lungs and some others

What are the names of organs that release hormones?

They are called glands and they make up the endocrine system. Some glands are the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, the thyroid and parathyroids, the adrenal glands, the pineal body and the ovaries and testes.

Can hormones make you darker?

Yes, certain hormones can have an impact on skin colour. Melanin, (a pigment) is the main factor in determining skin colouring and levels of some hormones can affect the amount of melanin.

Why are some people more hirsute than others?

Hormones vary between humans.

Names of some organs?

The heart, pancreas, skin, kidneys, lungs, esophagus, and the brain, among others, are all organs.

How do neurofibromas affect the nervous system?

A neurofibroma is a tumour, usually benign, that attacks the peripheral nervous system. There are several categories of neurofibroma; some affect the skin and others the internal organs. The latter sometimes turn cancerous and can cause pain and disfigurement.

What forms hormones which act as chemical regulators for growth and development?

the hormones are form from the organs and are passed by ducts (in some cases only.Eg-pancreas) into parts of the body and act chemically in growth and development in the body