

Why do horses have big eyes?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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14y ago

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They are prey animals, plain and simple. They need to have an almost 360 degree field of vision to watch out for predators that may come up on them from either side or behind them. They have the same instincts of flight instead of fight just like a deer or antelope does.

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12y ago
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14y ago

The better to see you with. And the better to see a predator. Prey animals have eyes on the side of the head. This helps when a predator is sneaking up behind them. The big eyes means they can see better. Prey animals can tell at a glance if you are predator or prey. Predators' eyes are on the front of their heads. They stalk prey by looking straight ahead. Horses recognize humans as predators. Look where our eyes are placed in our faces.

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9y ago

The long face is a genetic adaptation. A long face of horses allows the eyes to remain above the grasses while eating and see predators farther away.

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11y ago

Eyelashes are there to help protect the eye from debris and pests, it is the same for all animals and generally does not change from species to species.

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What do horses use their eyes for?

To see.

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What is the ugliest horse?

ponies may have big eyes or fat or something like that but they are realy not ugly i think they are beutiful horses ispecily mine tilly

Where do horses have their eyes?

Horses' eyes do have cones, but most horses have only limited color vision. They can usually perceive red and blue, but may confuse some greens from shades of gray.