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Horses will eat most any fruit or vegetable you offer them. However certain things like Potatoes, Tomatoes, lawn clippings and flowers should always be off limits, as well as anything that contains meat.

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11y ago

Horses like carrots due to the taste. Carrots have a certain level of sweetness that horses enjoy.

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Can they eat carrots?

yes most animals can eat carrots like horses love emyes

Why do horses like carrots so much?

they have lots of flavor and healthiness in them so they attract horses

Do horses like carrots or apples better?

It depends on the horse and what the horses diet is. Some horses like carrots more than apples and some horses like apples more than carrots. Never feed your horse too much treats, like carrots and apples, because too much treats will make your horse too fat and they cannot burp or puke so they will die in the next 12 hours or so.

Does horses eat carrots?

They love carrots! Best to feed it as a treat though, just like you would an apple.

Can horses eat bad carrots?

Horses should keep away from Bad Carrots.

What does horses like better apples or ornges?

Apples or Carrots i don't think oranges are too good for horses.

What vegetables do horses like?

They like carrots,lettuce and cabbage!*neigh i like those vegeetableesss neigh*

Do horses die form eating carrots?

No, horses can NOT die from eating carrots, unless you feed them tons and tons of them!

What food like horse?

If you mean, What foods do horses like, then they like: Hay, Wheat, Straw, etc. And for good treats they like: Carrots, Apples, and Sugar Cubes, which carrots and apples can also be apart of the diet.

Can horses eat pecans?

Carrots are not required for good nutrician, but horses seem to think they are. Yes, horses can eat carrots. don't feed too many, however, as too much of anything is bad. It depends on all different horses, some don't like them. I suppose that if you really wanted your horse to like them well, you could keep trying.

Animals that eat carrots?

rabbits and humans eat carrots.

Can horses eat chewy candies?

It is probably best to feed natural snacks like apples and carrots.