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This is a broad question. It depends on how a particular horse is trained, what it has been exposed to and habituated to, etc. Usually horses get frightened by sudden movements, sudden loud noises, and a sudden sharp pain inflicted on it. Inanimate objects can scare it too if it hasn't seen that particular object before.

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Horses have a "flee or fight" mechanism. Their first reaction is to flee because evolution has built them so that they are swift and have great endurance. This way they can easily out-run predators. It is less dangerous to fight a lion than it is to escape by running.

If a horse is cornered and cannot flee, however, it will fight. It uses its heels, which can deliver a deadly blow. If a predator gets on its back, the horse will buck to try fling it off, or rear up and fall over on top of the predator. Some of these behaviours can be seen when riding horses, especially when the horse gets scared by something.

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Q: Why do horses run away when they are startled or scared?
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Many times a horse will run because it is scared.

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A horse has either a flight or fight response. The horse with either run away from what is scaring it, or it will try to fight it.

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Horses run away when riding a horse the horse can still spook this is what horses do when they get scared or frighted but rarely they will fight but they still fight rarely for dominance but a lot of the time you will only see wild horses do this

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because they are scared . And they have very good hearing and if you heard a load noise would you panic?! i think you would lol

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What first instinct a horse does when afraid?

Horses are fight or flight animals. When they're scared they might spook. Then they'll either try to defend themselves and kick and bite, or they'll run away.