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House bees will swallow the nectar then regurgitate it and hold the droplet at the end of their proboscis before swallowing it again, repeating the process a number of times before depositing it in the honeycomb cell. This serves two main purposes: firstly to help the evaporation of surplus water; and secondly, each time the bee swallows the nectar it adds more enzymes which break the complex sugars down into glucose and fructose, and convert the nectar into honey.

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Q: Why do house bees chew the nectar?
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Do bees have mouths?

Bees do have mouths. The bees mouth consists of mandibles and a proboscis. They use the mouth parts to chew up food and also to suck up nectar.

Do bees get nectar from plants?

Yes, bees collect nectar from flowers of the plants

What do bees use nectar for?

Male bees use nectar for food. Female bees use pollen for feeding the larvae, and nectar and pollen for own food.

Do bees spit it out of their mouth?

If by 'it' you mean nectar the answer is yes, though 'spit' is a little pejorative. When gathering nectar the bee swallows it into a special honey stomach, which is not part of the digestive tract, and on return to the hive it can regurgitate the nectar and pass it to the house bees for storage.

What is the liquid bees gather?

nectar (Bees gather nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.)

What sugary liquid do bees get from flowers?

The sweet fluid produced by plants and collected by bees is known as nectar.

How do you make a sentence with the word nectar?

The flower's sweet nectar attracts bees to pollinate it. Bees gather nectar and make it into honey.

What do bees eat beside nectar and honey?

Bees eat pollen as well as nectar and honey.

Where do bees get necter from?

Bees get their nectar from flowers. Flowers produce nectar to attract animals to pollinate them.

What does the flowers benefit the honey bees on?

The flowers carry nectar, so when the bees collect the nectar they eat it. That helps produce the honey. The nectar in the flowers is the bees food source. Without flowers, the bees would all die out.

What does the word nectar and ambrosia mean?

nectar is what the bees drink

Do bees get nectar from roses?

a little bit but mostly nectar