

Why do humans value diamonds so highly?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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because we like shiny things

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Q: Why do humans value diamonds so highly?
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Related questions

What is so special about diamonds?

Diamonds are entertaining for the eye, and have an investment value.

Why is diamonds so important?

Important is a judgement. Diamonds represent a compact form of wealth and can hold sentimental value.

How do you effect the amount of diamonds?

One way is to hold back the inventory of diamonds, so that there are fewer available for sale, which elevates the price and value of the diamonds in the marketplace.

Why are diamonds so good at cutting almost everything?

Diamonds are the hardest mineral known: hence their value as a cutting material.

How much is 200 diamonds?

It is one more than 199 diamonds! The value will depend on their quality and size so, if that is what you want, I regret that there is no simple answer.

Where are diamonds sent after mined?

Mined diamonds are graded and sized, so that diamonds can be brokered within the industry according to their potential value. Seventy-five percent of mined diamonds are used by industry and the remainder used for gem-quality stones.

Why do people mine blood diamonds?

Blood diamonds are diamonds used to support wars, terrorism and mayhem against humans in the areas of the world that are in upheaval. People mine them -- usually at gunpoint or under threat of death or dismemberment -- because the terrorists' world buys the diamonds so the terrorists can buy more guns.

What form of jade is so rare that it outranks diamonds in its value?

Jadeite is a form of jade that is so rare that it is more expensive than diamonds. It is found mainly in Burma, and only in small amounts, so the cost to own some is very dear.

Is black people the first people on the planet?

It is highly likely that humans originated in Africa, and so yes, the first humans would have been black.

Why are diamonds useful to humans?

Diamonds being the hardest natural substance, can be used to carve, cut and polish anything, including another diamond. Their optical properties are also of value as high-quality, microscopic lenses that don't wear down. Incidentally, they also look very pretty when cut and polished correctly, so people like jewellery and ornamentation made of them.

Why is the blood diamond conflict going on?

Blood diamonds fund wars, civil unrest, terrorism and other acts of violence and crime against humans. So long as there are humans, these conflicts will continue.

Why do you think historians value the code of hammaurabi so highly?

beacuse they are mean to people