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Hurricanes need a continuous supply of very warm, moist air to maintain their strength. The amount of moisture needed can only be found over warm ocean water. When a hurricane moves over land it is cut off from the fuel supply.

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Q: Why do hurricanes usually decrease in strength fairly rapidly as they move from the ocean to land?
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Why do some scientist think that gobal warming would increase the strength of an hurricanes?

Hurricanes get their energy from warm ocean water. Warmer water usually means more potential for hurricanes to form and gain strength. Warmer water resulting from global warming could therefore lead to stronger hurricanes. Some have suggested, however, that changes to other factors such as wind shear could negate the effects of warmer oceans on hurricanes.

Can hurricanes form in the middle of the ocean?

Yes, that is where hurricanes usually form.

Are hurricanes rare in NY?

Yes. Hurricanes don't usually go that far north.

Can a hurricane die down becasue its too cold?

Yes. Hurricanes depend on warm, moist air to maintain their strength. A hurricane that enters a cold environment will usually weaken and dissipate.

Why do we name hurricanes?

We usually name hurricanes, so that if there are multiple hurricanes occurring simultaneously, it won't be confusing and it might protect people.

Where do hurricanes form in June?

June Hurricanes usually form in the Western Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico.

Can hurricanes last several days?

Yes. Hurricanes usually last for days or even weeks.

Do hurricanes come in the summer?

Yes. Hurricanes usually form in the late summer or early fall.

How far in in land can a tornado get?

There is no real limit. Tornadoes are generally land based storms. You may have them confused with hurricanes, which form over the ocean. Hurricanes usually can't maintain hurricane strength much more than 100 miles inland, though some have made it further.

When hurricanes occur?

they usually occur in summer

What region do hurricanes usually occur in?


Where do hurricanes usually appear?

Along the equator and oceans. It's this combination of moisture and heat that creates hurricanes.