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Q: Why do i have to urinate after drinking ice tea?
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How does drinking tea remove water from your body?

Tea and coffee contain a chemical that acts like a diuretic. This makes you urinate a lot.

Is there any side effects in the future by drinking 3 cups of Lipton green tea per day?

Yes. You will urinate more.

Why does tea make you pee?

Tea doesn't make you urinate any more than any other drink containing water does. Whether you drink a 200ml glass of water or a 200ml mug of tea, you'll urinate the same amount. How much you urinate depends on how much you drink and how much of what you drink isn't absorbed by your bloodstream. Some caffeinated drinks can cause contractions to the bladder giving you the feeling that you desperately need to urinate, when in fact you don't. Therefore coffee would make you feel the need to urinate more than tea.

Why do dogs urinate on their food and drinking water?

they don't urinate on their food or drinking water

Can adding ice cubes to tea take away the tea's purpose?

This depends on what you think the purpose of tea is. Iced tea is a nice refreshing drink to have in the summer. So if your purpose for drinking tea is to have a cool summer drink then, no, adding ice does not take away the purpose

Is drinking ice tea bad for you?

No, it isn't. But it must be fresh and without large amount of sugar

Does drinking pop make you urinate more than water?

No, drinking water will make you urinate more than drinking soda. This is because the water cleans the toxins out of your body.

Does drinking milk at night make you urinate more?

Drinking just about anything at night would make you get up more, in the middle of the night, to urinate.

What ingredients are in ice tea?

Tea... And Ice...

If your drinking darjeeling you are drinking what?

You are simply drinking tea .

Does drinking iced tea will make you fat?

It depends on what type of tea you drink, if you have milk and if you have sugar.

Is ice tea healthy?

Ice tea is healthy.