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so when they get to the other side they can use the wood and stuff to build a house.

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Q: Why do illegal immigrants take boats or airplanes?
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Related questions

How many illegal immigrants in australia?

The Australian Population is mainly filled with illegal immigrants. To calculate the non-illegal immigrants you must take into consideration the population of Aboriginals from the population of Australia.

How long did the trip to Ellis Island for the immigrants take on the boats?

10-14 days

What are airoplans called that take off from water?

Flying boats are airplanes that have the fuselage shaped like a boat. Pontoon planes are regular planes that have pontoons added to allow them to float.

What can illegal immigrants take away from us?

Some people believe that illegal immigrants are taking our jobs and that they are being taken on because they are getting paid much less. However if we don't apply for these jobs, then we don't know if we will get the job or not.

How can immigrants be legal and illegal?

People are not always honest about their status. They may face charges as well as take a citizenship test.

Is the us better with the illegal immigrants?

Yes and no.Yes:Illegal immigrants take on jobs that few legal citizens want.They stabilize the Social Security system; because illegal immigrants can't claim Social Security benefits, all this money has been used to stabilize the system that without them, it would have crashed a decade ago.No:It demonstrates that the US immigration system does not work.

How do airplanes help us in life?

airplanes helps us in life by doing stuff that boats or trains cant do for example it would take at least 2 days for a boat to cross the Atlantic ocean from north America to Africa and it takes a plane less than 8 hours to cross it.

How did illegal immigrants jobs effect the US citizens?

Illegal immigrants were ready to take up even the low paying jobs that were not appealing to the US citizens. This led to the citizens being jobless which ultimately lead to a lot of unrest in the country. Who will be happy about someone else usurping their chances of making a living?

Why do airplanes takeoff?

There is not much point in having airplanes unless they 'take off' .

Why the Democratic and Republican parties tend to take different positions on efforts to reform election registration laws to enhance voting turnout?

Democrats tend to favor more more government hand outs and amnesty for illegal immigrants. If more of the people who collect these hand outs and illegal immigrants would vote, it would help Democrats win elections.

How do you spell the action that airplanes do?

Airplanes take off, climb fly, cruise, transport, descend, and land.

Can airplanes take off in snow?
