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Barbed wire isn't made to keep intruders like people out. Its mainly designed to keep livestock in. If an intruder wanted to bypass the wire, he could just lift up on a strand and step through.

(clarification from original asker:) While this maybe true when used in a ranching framework, barbed wire is certainly used for national borders in some places, buildings, and other non-rural areas. Sometimes, it may be electrified. But when it's not, it seems that it'd be fairly easy to use an easy-to-buy-and-carry wire cutter.

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Q: Why do intruders not simply cut barbed wire fences to get in?
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Will a barbed wire fencing around the building keep the snakes off?

Of course not. Barbed wire fences aren't solid and a snake would simply go under the wire.

Which region of the US was known for the use of barbed wire fences and sod houses?

the west was known for barbed wire fences and sod houses.

What contributed to the end of open-range cattle ranching in the mid-1880s?

The invention of barbed wire ended the open range

What were the results of the invention of barbed wire?

Barbed wire spelled a end to the period of ranching by open range- it permitted the construction of cheap fences.

What invention helped farmers prevent cattlemen from driving their herds through farms?

The railroad and barbed wire fences.

Where were barbed wire fences and sod houses in the 1800's?

in the deep south

How did barbed wire change agriculture?

Barbed wire changed agriculture because, back before barbed wire was invented animals or livestock could wander freely. So, when the farmers decided that they needed to stop that from happening the put up barbed wire fences. The barbed wire fences had sharp " barbs " on the end of them so when the animals would walk up to it and touch it, it would poke them and they usually wouldn't go there again. Good question!

What is Barbed Wire?

Barbed wire is a series of twisted strands of steel wire, coated with zinc, having barbs evenly spaced along them, used to construct agricultural and military fences.

Is it possible for a barbed wire fence to become electrically charged by lightning?

No. Barbed wire is not grounded like electrical fences are, so there won't be much of a charge, if any.

Why are barbwire fences used?

Barbed Wire was/s used to prevent anything or anyone from coming in or leaving. For example, prisons have barbed wire to stop prisoners from escaping. The reason why barbed wire was chosen is because it is 'barbed' and spiky meaning that it is painful. HOPE THIS HELPS :D

What ended cattle frontier out west?

Barbed-wire. When farmers started putting up barbed-wire fences, cattle drives couldn't get to the feilds forthe cows to graze.

What type of fences were put up by new settlers that blocked cattle trails?

Barbed wire.