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Attraction of electrons to protons.

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Q: Why do ions forms after ionic bonding?
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What kind of element forms cation after ionic bonding?

Metals form cations, but before ionic bonding. An ionic bond forms from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged cations and anions. So the ions form first, then the ionic bond.

Events for ionic bonding?

Ionic bonding is based on electrostatic attraction between ions.

What does ionic bonding form?

Ionic bonding forms compounds.

Does covalent bonding produce ions?

No. Ionic bonding produces ions. Covalent bonding usually produces molecules.

What class of elements tends to be involved in ionic bonding?

Metals and nonmetals tend to undergo ionic bonding when reacting with one another. Metals lose electrons and become positively charged ions, and the nonmetals gain these electrons and become negatively charged ions. The electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions forms the ionic bond.

Which atom will form a positive ion during ionic bonding sulfur or magnesium?

Magnesium will form a positive ion during ionic bonding. Sulfur will form a negative ion during ionic bonding. In ionic bonding, metals form positive ions and nonmetals form negative ions.

What does Ionic bond?

Ionic bonding forms compounds.

What are the similar  between ionic and covalent bonding?

Ionic and covalent bonding involve electrons. Ionic bonding involves the loss and gain of electrons, form ions. Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons.

Which type of bonding forms aluminum and fluorine?

Ionic bonding.

Is Mg3N2 covalent or ionic bonding?

Mg3N2 is ionic containing Mg2+ and N3- ions

Why do ions form ionic bonding?

Attraction of electrons to protons.

Do ions form after ionic bonding?

Attraction of electrons to protons.