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They're doing a lot of work.

About 1/5 th of your blood is filtered every minute - a good bit of what is filtered out must be reabsorbed (against an osmotic gradient) and that all takes energy.

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Q: Why do kidneys require so much energy to function?
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How much kidneys can you have?

the amount of kidneys u should normally have should be two but i geuss you can have 1 more but there wont be much space for your orgins to function.

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In terms of function, nothing. The adult kidney is just much larger.

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Yes they do, fat cells have very little function and therefore require much less energy than muscle cells.

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They need less energy because they don't do as much as when they were younger. Unless they are doing heavy work then they do require more energy

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No, actually plants require more energy, because unlke animals plants use energy as food as to where animals hunt and eat plants.

Why renal is more sensitive to hypotension?

Renal means related to kidneys. Kidneys are very sensitive to hypotension. That is to low blood pressure. Kidneys have to wash out the waste products of protein metabolism. They are very much toxic to the brain. Your kidneys are very small in size, but still get very heavy blood supply. Kidneys filter out about 180 litres of fluid per day. That is the need of the hour. In case of hypotension, this function will be adversely affected. So kidneys secrete the hormone to maintain the blood pressure.

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Pretty much the same as in human, keeping the blood free from waste and make sure no needed nutrients goes out with the urine.

How mitochondria and chloroplasts are opposites in function?

There is no definite difference in function, however the necessary catalysts are quite different. Chloroplasts require sunlight to start, whereas mitochondrion do not require light. REVISION: I disagree with the previous answer - the function of a mitochondria and a chloroplast are fundamentally different, indeed nearly opposite in many respects. Chloroplasts are the site of photosynthesis whereby light energy and carbon dioxide are utilized to form sugars. Mitochondria are the site of much of cellular respiration (parts of cellular respiration also occur in the cytoplasm) where oxygen and sugars are broken down to generate energy and carbon dioxide. Plants utilize their chloroplasts to generate sugars wherein the energy of the sun can be stored and later used by their mitochondria and cellular respiration to generate energy.

Why would a muscle cell have more mitochondria than a skin cell?

Mitochondria provide the energy a cell needs in order to function. Muscle cells require much more energy than the rest of the body, so the muscles contain more mitochondria.

Why does water require so much energy to change its phase?

Water has a large number of hydrogen bonds