

Why do kids want homework banned?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Everybody would love to play all the time and not have to work. School is your job, and just like your parents have to go to a job every day, you have to do schoolwork even if it's not fun. Homework is not "bad" - it helps you learn the material and do better in school so you can get a better job and make more money once you are grown up.

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Q: Why do kids want homework banned?
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Do teachers want homework to get banned?

Some might, but the vast majority of teachers understand that homework is an important part of the learning process. They would not want it to be banned.

Should homework be banned for kids to relax?

No, homework is an intergral part of the learning experience. It should not be banned, but here is a tip: Pay close attention in class and ask questions if there is something you do not understand. The more you learn in class, the easier your homework will often be and the more time you will have to relax.

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36% percent of kids get stressed about homework. if you want more info, go to it has alot of facts about kids having stress over homework and other things.

Should children's TV be banned because of school homework?

No, there are plenty of good TV shows kids can watch - the trick is to be mature enough NOT to watch TV until you're finished with your homework. You can record shows you really want to watch and save them for when you're finished working

Why won't kids do homework?

Because homework is boring to kids and they want to go play video games and get outside (hopefully!). And because sometimes kids don't understand it and don't have time for it:-)

What countries have banned homework?

None. No schools or states have banned homework. Some schools have reduced the amount given but it is still given out.

Can you write a debate for me i am the for team for homework should be banned?

Obviously homework should NOT be banned because you need to learn how to write a debate.

What percent of kids want less homework?

There are no scientific studies, so no figures can be quoted

Why homerowk should be banned?

Homework should be banned because it prevents children from playing outside and socialising more in the afternoon. Kids work hard at school, they shouldn't have to come home and keep working, they should rest.

Why is hateing Homework such a wonderful thing?

Because it tears families apart. When there is homework kids are tired from school and dont want to do it and their moms want them to do it. It will eventually lead to yelling and screaming. I hope you can now understand why homework is so bad.

How much homework did kids have in California?

Kids in California get the same amount of homework as kids in other states.

Should kids be allowed to ditch homework?

Of course you're allowed - you can fail any time you want to!