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Q: Why do kids with sickle cell anemia get rashes?
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How can sickle cell be prevented?

once youdidn't get it from birth, then it is not possible to get it when you grown up, but if you want to protect your future children not get the disease than it is better not to married from sickle cell disease man

How does sickle-cell trait differ from sickle-cell disease?

in sickle cell trait you don't actually have the disease. you are only able to pass the disease to your kids if you marry a person with sickle cell or that also has the trait. sickle cell disease is when you actually have the disease. you can pass it to your kids if you marry someone with the trait or the disease. if you marry someone without a trait or disease then your kids will most likely have the trait.

What cause sickle-cell disease?

It's caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene (a weird change that's basically in the red blood cell).It has to come from two parents who both have a trait of sickle cell. Not all of their kids will have it though. Some kids might have the trait, while some will actually have sickle cell anemia, and some might have no trait of it at all. It's a strange, strange mutation.Sickle cell disease is caused by a point mutation in the gene that codes for hemoglobin which is the primary protein found in the red blood cells. Basically, in the sequence of that gene, one letter changes and causes the entire structure of the hemoglobin molecule to change. The affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin decreases so the mutated red blood cell ends up carrying less oxygen compared to a normal red blood cell.Due to this change, the red blood cell looks like a sickle so its is called a Sickle Cell Disease.

Sickle cell disease is caused by?

It's caused by a mutation in the hemoglobin gene (a weird change that's basically in the red blood cell).It has to come from two parents who both have a trait of sickle cell. Not all of their kids will have it though. Some kids might have the trait, while some will actually have sickle cell anemia, and some might have no trait of it at all. It's a strange, strange mutation.Sickle cell disease is caused by a point mutation in the gene that codes for hemoglobin which is the primary protein found in the red blood cells. Basically, in the sequence of that gene, one letter changes and causes the entire structure of the hemoglobin molecule to change. The affinity of oxygen to hemoglobin decreases so the mutated red blood cell ends up carrying less oxygen compared to a normal red blood cell.Due to this change, the red blood cell looks like a sickle so its is called a Sickle Cell Disease.

What would happen to a baby in the womb if the mother has sickle cell disease and the father has the sickle cell trait?

If both parents are trait carriers the chances of them having a child WITH sickle cell is 4 to 1. Probability says, 1 will not carry the trait OR have sickle cell, 2 will be trait carriers and 1 will have it. But Keep in mind that every time you have a child its like rolling dice. I have heard of people where all four kids have the disease. and i have 2 children with the disease and 1 that's normal.

What does it mean when someone carries the sickle cell gene but does not have the disease?

If you carry the sickle cell gene, it doesn't really mean much as far as your own personal health goes. Except that you are less likely to get malaria. However, if you decide to have kids, and whoever you mate with also carries the sickle cell gene (not the full blown disease/gene) , your child has a chance of having sickle cell disease (full blown).

What happens to a male with sickle cell hetrozygote sc and a female with as when they get married and have kids?

They will produce normal,carriers,and sickele-cell children in 1:2:1 ratios respectively.......

If you and your husband are carriers of sickle cell and has has 3 kids one is a affected female one is a female carrier and one is a normal male what is the percent of having a child that develops it?

By Mendalian principle, one more child will be healthy.

Should kids have cell phones?

I think kids should have cell phones if they know what and what not to do with them .

Is it appropreite for kids to have cell phones?

yes, it is appropriate for kids to have cell phones for socialization.

How long do kids use their cell phones everyday?

kids should have a cell phone in the ages 9 through 12.

Why are cell phones useful to homescholed kids?

why are cell phones useful to home schooled kids