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That's because they are very venomous snakes.

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Q: Why do king cobras only have two predators?
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Does a peacock eat a king cobra?

No. Harpy eagles are found in Central America down to South America. King cobras are found southeastern Asia. Two entirely different locations, so obviously not possible for a harpy to eat one, let alone even know what a king cobra is.

What is the king cobras length of pregnancy?

The breeding season for king cobras begins in January. The female will lay her eggs two months after mating. The eggs incubate for 60 to 70 days before they hatch.

Whom does Rikki-tikki fight in the Great War?

Nag and Nagaina two King Cobras.

What does king cobras look like?

The king cobra is a dark snake with white rings around its body. The head is large and it has two short fangs.

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi whom does Rikki-tikki fight in the great war?

Nag and Nagaina two King Cobras.

What is a conflict that Rikki-tikki-tavi faced?

Rikki-tikki-tavi faces a conflict with the cobras Nag and Nagaina who threaten the safety of the human family he is living with. He must outsmart and defeat the cobras to protect his new family.

How do king cobras cummunicate to other king cobras?

They do communicate through vibrations, low frequency sounds, visual cues and pheromones. The king cobra is quite territorial, so when two encounter one another, they will rear up, hiss and spread their hood.

What shape are king cobras?

same shape as other snakes except when they seek danger the unfold their hood that is shape like two ovals each side of the snake

Who is Rikki-tikki-tavvi?

he is a mongoose thatkilled two cobras

What is relationship between Rikki and the two cobras?

Protagonist & Antagonists

If two predators only eat the same prey they both occupy the same?

ninch is the answer

Where are cobras fangs?

Two, split, in the forward most part of their mouths.