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they have less surface area and lose less heat Larger predators have slower metabolism and burn less fat during activity so they need less fuel

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Predators are not eaten by their prey. It's the other way round!

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Q: Why do large animals need to eat more than small animals?
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the biggest animal is the elephant, Africa... but there are big animals in the cold because of the fat, it's need to stay warm. but the arctic fox is a small animal just to tell you.

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You don't NEED them. They just make pedaling much easier and more efficient.

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Your question is OK but it is a bit too general to help you with an answer. For instance: A cliff will crumble to produce small and large rocks. A stony desert surface will have small and large rocks present on it. A river bed will have small and large rock in it. A moraine is comprised of small and large rocks. A beach is comprised of small and large rocks. And there are many many more possible answers. However, I feel that you want a specific answer and for this you would need to ask your question a bit more precisely.

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It takes four years of veterinary college to learn to treat large and small animals. To get into vet school, however, you will usually need to take 3-4 years of undergraduate college courses first.

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Animals need to survive and therefore need to complete the process of burning glucose for fuel.

Why is lamb popular in the Middle East?

Sheep are small animals and don't need a lot of forage or additional feed to produce meat. They can graze on small areas of grass or brush. Goats are also popular for the same reason. Cows are large animals that need lots of grass from large pastures and supplemental feed to produce meat. Also, lamb tastes good (at least better than goat meat).

Why do you need your small intestine and large intestine?

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