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because there lungs are contracting and uncontracting

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Q: Why do large dogs make a thumping noise when they smell?
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Is the sense of smell better in small dogs or large dogs?

I can't say. All dogs have a very good sense of smell, big or small. Springer Spaniels (Small to medium sized dogs) and Bloodhounds (Large dogs) both have a good sense of smell.

Do dogs smell with their tongues?

No, dogs smell with their noses.

How good can dogs actually smell?

A dogs sense of smell is so acute that it can smell a person who was in a place days after.

What Smell dogs don't like which is cheap?

geranium flowers.... dogs loathe this smell!

Can dogs smell oxygen?

No, oxygen is an odorless gas. Even dogs can't smell it.

Do dorito's smell like dogs feet?

no because usually dogs feet doesn't smell!!!!!

Why does a dog bark at an electrical plug?

Dogs can smell electricity, and they seem to understand that it represents a potential danger to them. Your dog seems to be sensitive to the scent, which is not unusual. That is one reason why many dogs are terrified by thunderstorms; it's not just the noise.

Do dogs ever smell something they don't like?

Yes dogs can smell almost everything in their surroundings.

Why do dogs smell humans croch?

It is nasty, but dogs like the smell of their owners. That is why some dogs chew underwear and shoes. I don't understand why, but they do.

Do dogs smell better by age?

no they smell nice when they are a puppy

How do dogs smell with their noses?

the way we smell through our noses

What does a bobcat smell like?

They smell like dirty dogs.