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Q: Why do larynx move with deglutition?
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What is muscle action of the esophagus?

Thyrohyoid is a suprahyoid muscle and it depresses the larynx , it also helps in swallowing and deglutition , some Indian books state that is an elevator of the larynx , but most literature that i have read states it to be a depressor , other depressors of the larynx are omohyoid , sternohyoid and sternothyrohyoid.

The process of swallowing is called?

The process of swallowing is called deglutition. It involves voluntary and involuntary muscles working together to move food or liquid from the mouth to the stomach.

Is deglutition Another term for swallowing?

Yes, deglutition is the medical term for swallowing.

What is the pharangyeal stage of deglutition?

The Pharyngeal stage of deglutition - the bolus hits the pharynx and triggers reflexes (from this point it is no longer voluntary) --> the soft palate is raised, the glottis closed and the pharynx shortened --> pharyngeal constrictors move bolus into the oesophagus

Where does deglutition occur?

Deglutition is swallowing, and involves the mouth, pharynx and oesophagus.

Is deglutition a synonym for mastication?

No, deglutition and mastication are not synonyms. Mastication refers to the process of chewing food to break it down into smaller pieces, while deglutition refers to the process of swallowing food after it has been chewed.

How many stages of deglutition are there?


What does deglutition mean?

The process of swallowing

What is the term for the action of swallowing?


What is the most common word for deglutition?


What does the term deglutition mean?

difficulty swallowing

What a another name for deglutition?

act of swallowing