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Trees which shed their leave in the winter are called deciduous.

Generally speaking these are trees which grow in cold climates and do this for protection (but are not conifers, they have a different mechanism of protection).

In very cold climates the norm is high wind, rain, snow, sleet, hail and frost. Plants that are exposed to this are easily damaged by what is called frost burn (the leaves in particular); additionally the added stress of high wind, the weight of snow or ice on branches can break these limbs. So what the tree does is it sheds is leaves, this reduces the stress on the tree and prevents permanent damage to it.

The fallen leaves also have an advantage if they are not blown away, they collect around the base of the tree and act as a form of insulation which reduces root damage from frost or snow.

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Q: Why do leaves that fall down in the fall disappear in the following summer?
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What are the various functions of the leaves apart from making of food?

Apart from making of food, leaves perform the following the functions: (1) Transpiration: This means evaporation of water from the leaves through stomata. transpiration gelps to cool down the temperature of the plant. (2) storage of Food: Some leaves also store food (like in some plants fruits store the food,in some stems and so on) . For example: spinach,etc.

Do all leaves extracts contain the same pigments?

Yes, all leaves contain the same pigments but they contain it at different concentrations. Like in the summer all leaves are green (they all contain chlorophyll) and in the autumn, almost all leaves turn brown, orange, or yellow (contain carotenes, lutein, or xanthophylls). These are only seen when the chlorophyll breaks down like in the autumn, but they are not seen when the chlorophyll comes back like in the spring and summer.

Why do the leaves at the top of a holly leaf tree have no sharp spikes but the leaves lower down do?

because the tree is protecting it self from predators that are herbivores that want to eat the holly tree's leaves

Describe two ways people affect the ecosystem?

People affect Ecosystems by catching/ hunting the animals, in that reason the animals start to disappear and, let say we caught a sea urchin, then they start to disappear, and the animals like otters that eat sea urchins start to disappear because they are starving.

If yellow red and orange pigments exist in the leaves of trees Why do leaves appear green most of the year?

The green colour is produced by the Chlorophyll present in the leaves. When the tree 'shuts down' for winter, the Chlorophyll is re-absorbed, revealing the different colouration of the leaves.

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What gradually shuts down the leaves in plants at summers end?

The leaves gradually turn from green to oranges, reds, and yellows at the end of summer because of the chloroplasts in the leaves. Chloroplasts keep the leaves green in the summer because there is so much sunlight in the summertime, and as the sunlight gets less in the fall time, the chloroplasts get weaker and the leaves turn red, orange, and yellow.

Why do leaves fell down from trees in autumn?

As Autumn progresses, leaves die. they've had their life course in summer and spring, so its time for their joinings to come weak and fall.

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Your legs disappear from view when you sit down.

Why do trees lose their leaves in autumn?

trees make food during the summer from the sunlight they trap through the leaves and turn it into food, this is called photosynthesis but due to lack of sunlight during the winter, the trees store just the right amount of food to maintain the branches and the trunk but not the leaves so to save on food supply, the trees loose their leaves

Why do leaves fall down?

Leaves fall down due to the force of gravity pulling on them.

What happens to leaves of dedicious trees?

They grow in spring from buds. They stay green in summer. They fall off in autumn. They rot down and worms eat them. The tree is bare in winter.

How do you say in french leaves falling down?

the leaves are falling down = les feuilles tombent

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You pull down the trigger on the side of the toilet and it should disappear.

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Who wrote the poem which contain the following slowly one by one through the damp misty air of autumn the delicate leaves drop down?

Forrest Reid, an Irish poet.