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Because the acid in the air mixes with water and delimes the mortar. Also, water saturates the mortar. If it freezes, the ice expands, and contracts when it is liquid (freeze - fracture), destroying lime mortar.

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Q: Why do limestone buildings get damaged over time?
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Why is limestone not used for buildings?

Because it is a permiable rock, this means it will be worn away over time. Although it does still get used for buildings

Why are limestone buildings damaged by acid rain?

Marble ad limstone are bases, and they are chemically reacting with the acidic properties of the rain. This is because the sulphuric acid in the rain chemically reacts with the calcium compounds in the stones (limestone, sandstone, marble and granite) to create gypsum, which then flakes off. This is also commonly seen on old gravestones where the acid rain can cause the inscription to become completely illegible. Acid rain also causes an increased rate of oxidation for iron. Visibility is also reduced by sulphate and nitrate in the atmosphere.

How can a limestone cave be formed?

From dissolution and erosion of limestone by acidic water over time.

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Why is the Arc de Triomphe made out of limestone?

The Arc de Triomphe is made of limestone because this was at the time a common building material in the area for prestigious buildings (modern materials such as cement and concrete did not exist then). That variety of limestone is long-lasting, relatively easy to carve, and its clear colour was judged pleasant.

Is limestone a metallic element?

Most limestone is the skeletal remains of marine organisms. Basically, laid down on the sea bed in layers, and compressed over a very long time, the layers become solid limestone rock.

From what sort of rock does marble come from?

Marble is a metamorphic rock made out oflimestone. When limestone is subjected to tremendous pressure for a long time (like if limestone is buried under a lot of other rock or an ocean) it gets squashed into marble. Marble is more beautiful than limestone and tougher, thats why people like to use it for buildings.

How is carbonic acid responsible for the for the formation of some caves?

Over time it dissolves limestone or gypsum, so most caves are in those rocks, of which limestone is by far the more widespread.

How would a cave be formed on earth?

Caves are generally formed in areas rich in limestone, which erodes as water flows over it over time.

What is the huge mass of limestone made of?

Limestone is composed of the skeletal remains of minute sea creatures. The layers are then subjected to compression and, over a very long time, hardened into a sedimentary rock.

Where was limestone originally formed?

Limestone is the skeletal remains of small marine shelled creatures. Their remains sank to the floor of the seas, and the layers became rock over a very long time.

What type of rock is usually present in areas with a lot of caves?

Limestone is the type of rock that is commonly found in areas with a lot of caves. Limestone is made of calcium carbonate, which is soluble in water. Over time, as rainwater seeps into the ground, it dissolves the limestone and creates openings and caves in the rock.