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They don't smell with their tongues. Lizards smell with their noses. It's common sense any smart person would know that.

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Q: Why do lizards smell with their tongue?
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How does a lizard smell?

like any other living creature (through its nose)

How do komodo dragons find meat?

same as all monitor lizards and snakes! using their tongue and sense of smell :)

Which animal sweats from tongue?

No animal truly sweats from its tongue, but some animals do pant to cool themselves in place of sweating. One animal that is known for this is a dog.

What is a lizards tongue called?

A snails tongue is called a Radula.

Can wild blue tongue lizards live with a pet blue tongue lizard?

No!,,you should never keep blue tongue lizards together,(captive or wild). you should always stay away from wild lizards.

Can blue tongue lizards eat you?


What are the contents of a reptile?

Same exact organs as you and me, but in a different package (snakes have one lung though, and snakes, monitors lizards, tegus, and some other lizards have a Jacobson's organ like cats, which allows for better smell, and directional smelling but the reptiles mentioned use their tongue for smell, and snakes have no nostrils).

How does a long flicking tongue of a lizard help in their adaptation?

Its almost like smelling, but they taste the air for signs of danger, prey, and even mates. Think of how a dog uses its sense of smell to survive and transplant that into a lizards tongue and you have an. Idea of how they use it

Are blue tongue lizards native to Australia?

yes they are.

Would blue tongue lizards eat grass?


What is the use of a snake tongue?

Snakes use their tongue to smell. tongue collect smell particles from air and tongue places the collected particles in a receptor at back of the mouth to analize the smell.

Do blue-tongued lizards lay eggs?

No , Blue tongue lizards do not lay eggs like many other types of lizards. They give birth to live lizards.