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This year, Brood 19 extends from Missouri all the way to North Carolina and Maryland and reaches down to southern states as well, says Spevak.

Thirteen-year broods tend to concentrate in southern states, while 17-year broods tend to stay up north. A true border state, Missouri can get both. Many probably remember that in 1998, during Brood 19's last St. Louis visit, a 17-year brood emerged as well. The two broods hadn't emerged at the same time since 1777 and won't again until 2232.

The United States has 22 known broods of periodical cicadas. St. Louis sees a few of them every couple of years. Brood 3 will reemerge in 2014 and Brood 23 in 2015.

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Q: Why do locusts only come out every few years?
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