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To get more sunlight

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Q: Why do many vines grow on tree branch instead of on the forest floor?
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How do the vines on the rain forest floor get the sunlight they need to carry out photosynthesis?

the trees above them move there leaves

What are rain forest vines called?

hangign vines

Why do many vines grow on tree branches instead of on the forest floor?

Vines wrap around rainforest trees because there is very little light below the top of the rainforest. The very high tree canopy makes it so that not much light reaches the forest floor. Vines use trees as ladders to get high into the canopy to access light for their shoots to engage in photosynthesis and promote proper growth.

Why do you suppose vines are common in rain forest?

Vines are common in a rain forest because under the canopy are a few shorter trees and many vines, orchids, and ferns.

What is the difference between a jungle and a forest?

a jungle has vines and wild animals, while a forest has poison plants a jungle has vines and wild animals, while a forest has poison plants a jungle has vines and wild animals, while a forest has poison plants


canopy conifers like firs, cedars, hemlock and spruce, as well as understory vines, maples and dogwoods, and forest floor mosses, ferns and shrubs.


canopy conifers like fires, cedars, hemlock and spruce, as well as understory vines, maples and dogwoods, and forest floor mosses, ferns and shrubs.

What does vineyards mean?

a grape of vines in a forest

How do vines in the forest attach themselves to the very top of a tree without touching the rest of the tree?

Essentially, they climb up the trunk and find a branch. As they grow around the branch, the branch itself continues to grow outward, and the vine is pulled away from the trunk.

What animal in a tropical rain forest eats vines?

The animals in a tropical rain forest that eat vines are many. The most common ones are the deer and antelopes. There are other small animals that eat vines and ferns.

What biome has woody vines?

woody forest or rainforests

Where do you find vines in Lost in Blue 3?

The rain forest