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If this were me I would have to say that I repret the ending of the relationship and would like to keep the ex close bc I still have feelings for her. Maybe also as a back-up just encase the current relationship didnt work out.

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Q: Why do men get in touch secretly with an ex girlfriend behind their current girlfriends back?
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If a man just split with an x and he as just got a new girlfriend and then he sleeps with the x behind the girlfriends back does this mean he wants the x back?

it may mean that or it means he cant hold down a relationship

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If you do not know whom you want to be with you must distance yourself from both of them and take time to sort your feelings out - because playing them is just wrong. If you know you want to be with your current girlfriend you have to be firm with your ex and tell her it is over and to leave you both alone, do not accept her calls, advances or any type of contact from her.

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Their leader Wade Barrett is you mean who is the leader or who is secretly behind the nexus then I don't know.

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The push behind a current is voltage.

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Hell no

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You obviously don't earn enough money for the lifestyle she is expecting. Well who ever said this I wouldn't have exactly put it that way. If your girlfriend is acting like this and doing things behind your back you should think about finidng a new girl or maybe talking to your current one about it. She might be the type who likes others on the side as well as the one she is with. I know its strange. But consider talking to her.

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well he has misty may and dawn i dont know if he broke up with them but they were all his girlfriends. EDIT: ash had all of them as girlfriends but I pretty sure they all just stayed behind when he left their home island. so That means he has 3 girlfriends (which yes i know is weird).

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If you are suggesting that girls who have boyfriends should be forbidden from ever talking to other males, you are far off track. But if you must break up with girlfriends because of this, then go ahead. You are doing them a service.

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The push behind a current is voltage.

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It means to do it secretly, without the person knowing.

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Yes thy have been secretly dating behind our backs theyll learn not to play with our emotins