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There are a number of possibilities as to why a man would fall in love with "transsexuals." Chances are, they don't mean genuine transsexuals who have to have corrective surgery to eliminate their transsexualism. More than likely, they mean non-op TG persons. Here are some possible archetypes:

1. A number of guys are closeted gay guys and they see a non-op TG as a means to loophole their homosexuality while still maintaining their anti-gay feelings. They are attracted to the male parts, and yet the feminine appearance can be used as a cover or to give themselves permission. A telltale sign of this is when they insist that their "girlfriends" remain "discrete" or they otherwise act ashamed of them.

2. There are bisexual and pansexual guys who love across a whole range of masculinity and femininity, and that includes non-op transgendered.

3. There are FtM guys who find that being with MtF women makes things the least complicated, and they would likely be able to legally marry in all contexts.

4. There are the men who are bored with their sexuality and have tried nearly everything to rekindle their desires. So they want to try something different, and the adult entertainment industry has created the stereotype of the exotic "transsexual" (not a real transsexual, but a man dressed as a woman with his genitalia on display).

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Q: Why do men like transsexuals so much?
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