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They happen at 4 weeks most of the time because the fact that your body either cant handle it or if its a first time being pregnant like me you usually misscary the first pregnancy.

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Q: Why do miscarriages happen at four weeks?
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When are you out of danger of a miscarriage?

Miscarriages happen, so you can't guarantee that you won't get one. After 21 weeks, your unborn child can survive birth. If your fetus is 32 weeks old, he will be safe outside the womb.

How long does it takes for a uterus to heal after having a miscarriages at five weeks?

3-4 weeks.

What happen four weeks after the inauguration in 1841?

the romans where in alot of power

What are the terms for a woman who has had 3 miscarriages and 2 live births?

There is no specific medical term for a woman who has had 3 miscarriages and 2 live births. However, she may be considered as someone who has experienced recurrent pregnancy loss or recurrent miscarriages. It is essential for her to consult with a healthcare professional or a fertility specialist to determine any underlying causes or potential treatment options

How many weeks are in four weeks?

There are four weeks in four weeks.

Do all miscarraiges have to have a DnC?

It is generally recommended for miscarriages that occur after 10-12 weeks of pregnancy.

Can miscarriage happen at 1 month of pregnancy?

The majority of miscarriages occur in the first trimester so yes it can.

How do early miscarriages happen?

miscarriages in the first couple of stages may appear to be a heavy period and may last a little longer than a usual period. you may see a few bloodcots also

How long is Advent?

it goes for four weeks. the four weeks before Christmas

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Is it possible to have a miscarriage without knowing it?

Yes, the majority of miscarriages happen before the woman even knows she is pregnant.

When in a pregnancy can miscarriages occur?

A miscarriage can happen at anytime from implantation of the fertilized egg up until the 20th week, but most of them occur in the first 8 weeks. After the 20th week, it is called a stillborn birth instead of a miscarriage. A loss of pregnancy during the third trimester (after 28 weeks) is usually called a premature stillbirth and not a miscarriage.