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Muslim women cover their heads and faces as a form of modesty. The only people who are ever supposed to see them with out their hajib and naquib are those in their immediate family.

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Q: Why do mislim women have heads covered?
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What is correct they were covered from heads to toes or they were covered from head to toe?

they were covered from head to toe.

Which women have more hairs on their heads?

On average, blond women in the U.S. have more hairs on their heads than burnettes.

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Muslims make up about 20% of the population of India.

What did the Israelites wear on their heads?

Both men and married women covered their heads. The Talmud cites this as a long-established practice (Shabbat 156b; Sotah 8a). This covering could be anything which served the relevant purpose and could vary according to local custom.

What is correct to say in English they were covered from heads to toes or they were covered fron head to toe?

The correct phrase in English is "covered from head to toe."

Why do nuns wear Hijab or Head cover?

Catholic AnswerAt the time most women's Orders were founded, ALL women covered their hair all the time. For instance, look at the women in pictures of Henry VIII and his court, all the women wore head coverings. At the time most Orders were founded, poorer women all covered their heads with veils, from ancient times, and that has come to be the standard for their Orders. Also, Canon Law before 1983 required that all women have their heads covered in Church as stipulated by St. Paul in his letters. The code of Canon Law no longer requires this, but it is certainly a laudable practice for women to express their humility by covering their heads in Church. Nuns are in Church a lot, and are striving for humility always. Many women in religious Orders following Vatican Council II discarded the habit along with the veil. The Vatican has asked them to return to wearing veils, and some have.

What does mislims mean?

Mislim - I have no idea.If you actually mean Muslim, it's a follower of the Islamic faith.

Why do catholic women cover their heads to pray?

Many religions cover their heads in respect to God.

In which religion do women wear tiny hats on their heads?

Orthodox Judaism is a religion where married women often wear small hats, known as snoods, on their heads as a sign of modesty and adherence to religious customs.

Did women have to shave their heads in concentration camps?

Sometimes the women did it themselves. But mostly, the Germans did.

What is it called that Muslim women wear on their heads?


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