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When a mosquito bites you, secretions from their suckers make the bite itch.

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Q: Why do misqueto bites itch so much?
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Do flea bites always itch?

Flea bites itch because of the bacteria and dirt it puts in you when it bites.

Do flea bites grow bigger as you itch them?

Yes i know someone who scrached their flea bite so much it looked like a bouncy ball on his arm. (Scaryyy)

Why do leech bites itch?

Think about a leach as a mosquito. As you know, both leaches and mosquitoes suck blood but what you probably didn't know was that a mosquito injects a disease into your leg when it bites. Now, usually right when you feel it bite you shoo it away. If you would leave it alone it would then suck out the disease that makes you itch. Leaches are the exact same way however their process is much much, much slower!

Does hot chocolate help cure mosquito bites?

No, it does not. Mosquito bites cannot be cured by anything you drink or eat. Fortunately, there are some medicines you can put on a bite so that it does not itch as much, and unless the mosquito was carrying some disease, the bite itself will gradually cease to bother you.

How do you help mosquito bites?

Mosquito bites itch, but you don't want to scratch them -- that will just make things worse. You can get anti-itch creams at drug stores. The bites will usually heal after a couple of days. If you got bitten so badly that you feel sick or dizzy, you will have to see a doctor.

Why do your balls itch so much?

It is because that you might have dry skin or it has stuff up your BALLS!If you don't keep them clean, they will itch.

Does salt water affect mosquito bites?

Sea water helps any sores and cuts because it cleans out all the germs in it. So I think it would. But if it doesn't you can by cream at a chemest and it helps it not itch. [edit] I don't know if salt WATER helps, but I know that salt affects them. It works by drying out the bites, which ends up healing them and reducing the urge to itch them. You are suppose to first dab the bite area with water, and then put salt on it. That to me, seems like the same thing as salt water. I would say that salt water would very much affect mosquito bites.

Why do mosquite bites itch?

Mosquitoes are a living flying syringes. Not all bite except the female version. Firstly it is good to understand why mosquito bites. This will help us in knowing why the bites itch and what it does when the biting takes place. The female mosquito, when bites pierces the skin with needle like mouth known as the proboscis. So once it has bitten you and the proboscis breaks through you skin and is in effect, it will look for blood vessels and this where it punctures. All this happens very fast than we could even think. When the above process takes place, there happens slight itching. The entering of its fluids to the body causes it to itch. After the biting is over, there releases Histamines as an immune response which causes swelling in the region where it bit. This is also a cause as to why we feel the itch reaction. There is also an allergic response after the release of histamines which is all natural and is a way how our body protects itself.

Do mosquito bites hurt?

Most of the time you don't feel mosquito bites and only realize you've been bitten well after the fact, when you see a red lump and it starts to itch. However, if the mosquitoes are big and nasty enough, its bite can feel like a small needle in your skin.

Is it nessesary to clean your penis?

Yes, very much so. Otherwise it will smell funny and itch.

Is it bad if your mosquito bites itch?

yes i did that and got awful scarring try to get an antihistimine(?) cream to stop the itching or sudocreme to help heal scars if you do now have scars, they should go away over time , or when your out in the sun it clears a little you should also use Avon skin so soft oil spray, the smell of it suposedly keeps them away, aswell as midges.

Why do we itch?

An itch is a very slight form of pain from your nerves. There is usually something touching you and your body feels threatened by the contact, and so you itch to remove it from your skin. In bites and stings it's because the nerves are stimulated by the poison/acid/alkali released into the bite. Sometimes you may feel a 'Phantom' or travelling itch, when you can't quite tell where you need to itch. This is caused by random stimulation of the nerve, the cause of which is unknown