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They need a warm climate to survive, so they migrate south for the winter and return north in the summertime.

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14y ago
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14y ago

The Monarch is the most famous migratory butterfly. It migrates to Mexico, a nearly 3 month journey, because it's too cold up north for them.

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yes they do

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Q: Why do monarch butterflies migrate to warmer temperatures?
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Do monarch butterflies migrate through Colorado?

Some monarch butterflies do indeed migrate through the state of Colorado. Monarch butterflies migrate to warmer regions during the winter.

Does a butterfly monarch migrate?

Monarchs do migrate to warmer climes in winter.

Where do the monarch butterflies migrate each year?

it depends on where the turtles are because when the water gets to cold for them they swim to warmer waters wich are mostly tropical parts of the world and then they end up staying there becaause of the warm water.

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Monarch Butterflies

Where do monarch butterflies go in fall?

Warmer, semi-tropical southern climates like Mexico.

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they migrate to warmer waters.

Where do monarch butterflies stay in the winter?

There is one that we discovered in our house in Caledon Dec 7. maybe it will go into cocoon stage since it found a warm place to hang out.

Do birds like summer or winter?

Most birds migrate in the winter to warm areas. They probably prefer warmer summer temperatures. Some birds stay in the winter months, the ones that prefer the cooler temperatures.

How does the monarch move or migrate?

6 weeks

Do mallards migrate?

Yes. Mallards migrate in the fall to warmer temperatures and feeding grounds and return to northern areas to lay eggs.

Why do birds migrate to the south curing winner?

They only do that in the northern hemisphere. They are searching for warmer temperatures and/or better food supplies.

Why do butterflies migrate every year?

Butterflies are cold-blooded and thrive in warmer weather. Migration typically starts in October every year but can start earlier if the weather is cold sooner. They also migrate because larval food plants do not grow in cold weather. Butterflies fly back up north when plants are plentiful.