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Q: Why do most animals die sooner than humans?
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Do all animals hear the same frequencies of sound as human do?

Some animals can hear higher frequencies than humans can. This is why animals can hear things like dog whistles, and we can't hear them. In all, animals can hear differently than humans in the way that they can hear more. Some animals can hear lower frequencies than humans can. Elephants can hear much lower frequencies than humans.

Are insects the most abundant animals on earth?

The most populated animal more than humans are ants

Why do humans get tired of eating the same food over and over But other primates don t?

Humans have a wider range of food choices that provide the required nutrition, which is why they get tired of them sooner than other animals.

Why do animals get used for testing and not humans?

Because it is believed that a human life is more important than an animal's life. People don't think of animals feeling pain, testing on humans seems worse than testing on animals. Most of the products are tested on on humans after they have been tested on animals.

Are animals liked more than humans?

Sometimes yes, they expect less than humans and can be cute so most people would rather like them than people.

Most intelligent animals?

definitely monkeys- theyre only .9 % different than humans.

What animal today causes the most animals to go extinct or to be in danger of going extinct?

Humans are the answer! humans caused more animals to go extinct than any other animal.

How are humans better than animals?

The human species can philosophize, practice and understand art, also are the most intelligent animal on earth, and it is the animal that has the most influence on the world in the world. Humans can also be worse than other animals. Animals kills their prey or their predator to survive. Humans kill millions in a war, or kill a person in the street only to steal his money.

Are alligators smarter than humans?

No humans are the smartest animals.

Why are there more animals on the Earth than humans?

Animals reproduce much faster than humans and have more children at one time.

Can animals sense ghost activity?

*Fills in for Ally-in-Wonderland* Yes, animals can sense ghost activity - and they do it better than most humans.

How many animals and humans are in the world?

There are more animals than there are humans, but the overall total is constantly changing.