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High trees offer safety from ground predators as well as sunlight.

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Q: Why do most animals live in the tropical in the high trees?
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Where do most animals live in the rain forest?

southren of Africa tropical islands are good for the animals fore aiir and climate is just as good :]

Why animals live in trees in the rainforest?

Most animals in the tropical rainforest live in the trees because of the canopies the top of the trees make which lets less light shine down on the ground. This is why most plants on the forest floor have larger leaves, so that they obsorb more sunlight. So, the animals live in the trees because their food grows there and there homes are located there also.

Is the tropical savanna climate a good climate to live in why or why not?

It is good for a number of animals as of the palm trees for shelter and numbers of food trees, but not particually for humans as of the hot weather.

Primary consumers that live in tropical dry forests?

Deciduous Trees, orchids, bromeliads, aloes, and succulents all live in the Tropical Dry Forest.

What kind of habitat do teak trees live in?

tropical hardwood trees

What plants live in the tropical climates?

Palm Trees and wild trees

Why do animals live in trees?

Some animals live in trees because they can hide from other animals. The trees also keep them cooler and they can find food in the trees.

Why do ani mals live in Madagascar?

Madagascar has warm climate with lots of tropical trees where animals are adapted to their living. It also have lots of forests which make homes for thousands of animals.

How many species of animals are there in the Philippines?

Hundreds of species!The Philippines is a tropical country with a 'Tropical rainforest climate'.The high temperatures and the continuously high humidity the whole year through, make that there are more than 3500 species of plants and animals!Influence of the tropical climatePlants and animals are adjusted to the tropical climate and specific qualities of the tropical environment.Especially the tropical coral waters and the original tropical rainforests are the places, where hundreds ofbeautiful coloured and sometimes rare animals live.

Where do chamelons live?

Well, chameleons live in tropical forest in the trees.

How are the tropical rain-forest and mixed-forest ecosystems alike and different?

tropical rain-forests ecosystems are forests that have alot of animas living there and the animals are the organisms that live in a tropical rain forest help them survive in a warm, rainy climate all year long. mixed forest are homes to many type of trees and some animals. both of them are the same because they (forests) have animals and trees

What kind of animals live in a tre?

There are many animals that live in trees, including monkeys. Birds, bats, and snakes are all animals that live in trees.