

Why do most people chose not to eat organic food?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Most often, people chose not to eat organic food because organic food costs more than non-organic food.

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Q: Why do most people chose not to eat organic food?
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Why you have non organic food in the supermarkets?

Supermarkets have non-organic food because people buy it and most of the food grown is non-organic.

What is organic food market size in Singapore?

The organic food marker size in Singapore is very big. This is because most of the people in Singapore consume the organic foods.

Why do some people think organic food is a good idea?

its a matter of opinion, organic is safe for most people because it from nature.

Which is the most consumed by people organic or non-organic food?

Non organic foods are consumed more than organic, though interest in organic foods is growing.

What is a comparison between organic food and non organic food in structure and taste and which one is expensive?

Most of the time, organic and non organic food will have the same structure and teste. The organic food will be more expensive.

How is orgnatic food good for you?

Organic food usually is grown with no known chemicals or additives that usually go into other non-organic foods. Most people who live eating organic food swear that they are in better health and in better shape because of eating organic foods. So, the general consensus is yes that organic food is good for you.

How do you get organic food?

All the fruits vegetables, and naturally grown food stuffs come under the category of organic foods if they are strictly free from the pesticides, preservatives and other synthetic substances. Since, people are becoming health conscious, the number of organic food restaurants are increasing worldwide from where, one can easily get them in the form of already prepared dishes from organic foods. Organic food markets and stores have also opened at most of the common places to make the organic food easily available to the public.

Why is organic food a trend?

Organic food is not very popular because it is so expensive. People don't realize that it is worth to pay the extra bit of money, because the health benefits are so much greater than non-organic foods. They seem to be getting more and more popular however.

What are organic sources of food?

Animals and plants are organic sources of food. In its most general sense, the term organic designates living things. Living animals will be killed and living plants will be plucked in order for there to be organic sources of drinkables and edibles.

Which organic compound gives food the most energy?

Carbohydrates & Lipids.

Are there organic food coupons available somewhere?

Yes, there are organic food coupons available on the net that are available for most grocery stores that sell those organic foods. Check official websites of the items/brands you are looking for.

Why do most consumers buy organic foods?

cunsumers chose organic because they will benefit fully from it from the essentials nutrients that it gives the vitamins and also it also help reduce waste for the mother nature because this organic food they fillings decompost and sometimes it can be used as fertilisers and it's not harmful to the environment not like the non organic because this products will just somewhat make the earth so heavy with all those trash that dont decays.