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The central United States has an ideal climate setup. Cool air from Canada and dry air from the Rockies collide with warm, moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, triggering thunderstorms. Initially, the development of these storms is held back by a layer of stable air called a cap, allowing instability to build, rather like a pressure cooker. If the storms can break through the cap they will develop at an explosive rate and become quite strong.

The next ingredient is wind shear, a change in the speed and direction of the wind with altitude. The wind shear has two effects. First, it separates the updraft and downdraft portions of a thunderstorm. This separation prevents the cold air of the downdraft from choking off the updraft, which would otherwise cut the storm's development short. Second, the wind shear can set the storm rotating, turning it into a supercell. It is this rotation that allows the storm to produce tornadoes. Rarely outside of Tornado Alley are conditions so favorable for tornadoes.

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Q: Why do most tornadoes happen in the middle of the US?
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Tornadoes can occur just about anywhere in the U.S. but they are most common on the Great Plains.

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Tornadoes have occurred in all 50 states. However. Most tornadoes happen in or near the area known as tornado alley, which extends north from Texas to South Dakota and includes parts of some adjacent states.

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The majority of UK tornadoes are not recorded. So most statistics on the number of recorded tornadoes in the UK are usually around 70. Most UK tornadoes happen in the countryside (so don't get noticed) and are very small (usually). It is common belief that more tornadoes happen in the UK than in the US (tornado ally included) - Although US tornadoes are way bigger and stronger than those in the UK and so more are likely to be noticed and therefore recorded. Tornadoes in the UK usually happen in the summer when the weather conditions are right.

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Tornadoes have ocurred in all 50 U.S. states.

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No. Tornadoes can occur almost anywhere that gets thunderstorms.

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Tornadoes can occur anywhere in the U.S. except perhaps northern Alaska. They are most common in the Midwest, Great Plains, and Deep South.

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Tornadoes are most common in Texas

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Tornado Alley runs from NE Texas northeastward all the way through to the Canadian border... See link!

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Yes. The United States gets more tornadoes than any other country.