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They need to reproduce,increase in size. Also need to repair damaged cells

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Cell division increases no of cells. To become multi cellular cell division is needed

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Q: Why do multi-cellular organisms need cell division?
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Why is cell division necessary in multicellular organisms?

because we need to develop and growth. without cell division, we remain single-celled and we won't grow.

Why do multicellular organisms need to use more energy?

A multicellular organism can not rely on glycolysis alone for energy because glycolysis is just one step in respiration. Glycolysis alone does not produce the amount of oxygen that a multicellular organism needs.

How is the function of cell division in single-celled organisms different from cell division in multicellular organisms?

cells in a multicellular organism have the ability to specialize in certain functions for the overall success of the organism. some genes will be expressed in some cells while other genes in other cells. this creates the difference between skin cells versus liver or blood cells. a unicellular organism must cover all the functions of an entire organism and all the necessary genes must be expressed plus all the functions of created and breaking down compounds necessary for growth, development and producing offspring.

Why do multicellular organisms need specialized tissues?

Cell specialization is necessary to support multicellular life because multicellular organisms need different tissues. This means it needs cells to make up those tissues and perform different functions.

Why di cells need to divide?

cell division is how organisms grow.

Why do cells need to divide apex?

cell division is how organisms grow

Is a cat made up of one cell?

A cat is multicellular. Multicellular organisms have more than two cells. A multicellular organism is one that can be seen without the need of a microscope.

Why must large organisms be multicellular?

Multicellular organisms require specialized organs and systems because in multicellular organisms, different jobs are done by different cells that are specialized, e.g. A blood cell carries oxygen. A nerve cell sends and receives signals. In multicellular organisms different functions are divided among different cells. The cells in multicellular organisms are organized in ways the enables them to survive and reproduce. For any multicellular organism to survive, different cells must work together. The right type of cell must be in the right place to do the work that need to be done.

Do some colonies of multicellular organisms have specialized cells?

Multicellular organisms, of course! Unicellular organisms have one cell, so no cellular specialization.

What is the similarity between a multicellular and unicellular organism?

Unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms both contain the characteristics of life. Furthermore, both unicellular organisms and multicellular organisms follow the same genetic code and even contain the same organelles.

Distinguish between unicellular and multicellular?

The main distinction between unicellular and multicellular is the number of cells. Unicellular organisms survive on a single cell while multicellular means that they need a number of cells to survive.

Does homeostasis apply only to multicellular organisms?

no very cell need nutrients and expells but homeostasis is primitive in case of unicelluar organism