

Why do cells need to divide apex?

Updated: 6/21/2024
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7y ago

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cell division is how organisms grow

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Cells need to divide to grow, repair damaged tissues, and replace old or dying cells. Cell division allows for the distribution of genetic material to new cells, ensuring the continuity of life. Without cell division, multicellular organisms would not be able to develop, maintain, or regenerate their tissues and organs.

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What is the reason your body cells need to divide?

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Why do cell need to divide and produce new cells?

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Why di cells need to divide?

cell division is how organisms grow.

What do cells need before division?

Cells are in endocytosis when they are not dividing, this is just maintaing life and growth to divide again.

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Why do the body cells and sex cells divide differently?

Because body cells need to make genetically identical daughter cells and sex cells need to make genetically unique cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell.

Why do the sex cells and the body cells divide differently?

Because body cells need to make genetically identical daughter cells and sex cells need to make genetically unique cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell.

Do skin cells divide?

yes. all skin cells divide and divide and divide all over your body.

Which is only active during a specific immune responsible?

T cells apex or B cells

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