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It depends on the type of strings you are using, the quality of the guitar and the gauge of the strings. If the strings are, say Ernie Ball, then there's no reason why unless one of the other answers apply. However, if they were cheap brands like Martin strings then the chances are that they weren't made to a good standard and will never sound right. My solution to this would be to buy some better strings such as Ernie Ball or Rotosound.

If the guitar's quality isn't great then it may be that the neck has warped or bent which means the strings will be touching the fretboard (that would also mean a buzzing noise and high action further down the fretboard) it will make a sort of banana shape if this is the case, to check look down the neck from the headstock, and then adjust the truss rod carefully.

If the strings are a heavier gauge than what you usually use, then it will have bent the neck, so adjust it accordingly, but if they are lighter than before then you'll have to adjust it the other way. Be careful if you're inexperienced at it, or you might snap/crack the neck.

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Q: Why do my guitar strings still sound bad even after breaking in?
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Restringing an acoustic steel string guitar with nylon strings?

You can do it, I've done it. Your neck will need to be adjusted. The sound level will be greatly reduced. Still it will be much easier on your' fingers. Remember to buy the strings with the little balls on the end.

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Probably about the same, actually. The technology for bass guitar pickups and electric guitar pickups are very similar, with only slight differences. Still, you're going to sound better on a guitar with a guitar pickup.

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boredom is a harsh mistress for me to answer this but hey that doesn't mean I'm not gonna help you. step 1 - plug in the amplifier to a wall step 2- plug in a patch cable into your electric guitar step 3- now into your amplifier if you hear a scratchy or hiss sound thats good you're not breaking anything , thats normal just the cable of the guitar going into where its supposed to. still no sound when hitting the strings? turn the volume knob on the face of the guitar near the strings all the way up, make sure tone is at 100% as well, its all one way where the sound is very full of life instead of all dull and lifeless. Keep the guitar in tune and you'll do great.

Which is good -acoustic or semi acoustic?

An acoustic guitar produces sound via the "sound hole" cut out in the wood under the strings on the main part of the guitar. This is a nice acoustic sound. For a fuller, higher volume and amplitude sound, with the same acoustic-type sound one would would a semi-acoustic. This is an acoustic guitar that has the same kind of volume boost built in, as one would find on an electric guitar. It is important to note that the sound made with a semi-acoustic is still quite different from an electric guitar, even though one would need an amp to play the semi-acoustic.

Can you put regular bass strings on an acoustic bass?

Yes you can and they will work fine, the tone will be affected. The steel strings for an electric guitar (steel so they interact with the magnets on the pickup) will not sound as full and rich as the bronze strings designed for acoustic. In a pinch, they will work just fine! (but not visa-versa because of the magnet thing).

What is a acoustic electric guitar?

Generally, it's an accoustic guitar which also has electronics built into it so that it can be plugged into an amp if you want to. But you don't *need* to, it's a fully-functional accoustic guitar if you don't.

Why is my guitar pickup fading away?

The wiring or electromagnets could be showing their age, a connection might be bad, or the pickup's height adjustment may be getting too low. (The closer the pickup is to the strings, the louder the sound generally is; make sure there is still room for the strings to be pressed, and vibrate clearly.)

How are sound waves are produced in a guitar?

All sound, as seen via an oscillator, are vibrations of vastly varying degrees. The vibrations of guitar strings are fairly low to medium and an electronic pick-up wired to an amplifier is required to multiply the sound produced. You can still hear the strings without an amplifier, but electric guitars don't often have a hollow body to reverberate the vibrations, so they aren't very loud. It's like the buzzing of a mosquito... barely audible unless right up to your ear, but imagine amplifying that! It would probably sound like a war plane.

Can you replace steel strings on your guitar with nylon strings?

If you try replacing the strings by using original nylon stings,you will not be able to,because it does not have a ball at the end of the strings, therefore it will not stay in position. There are nylon strings which are made with a ball end,you can use these strings on an acoustic guitar. If you can get them fitted, there should not be a problem. There will be a difference in sound. And be aware that it is not a good idea to replace nylon strings with steel strings, as they place more stress on the guitar neck and can result in breaking the guitar.

How does a guitar produce a sound?

Well, when the pick plucks one of the strings, it vibrates. depending on how far down on the neck you are, the faster it vibrates. the magnetic pickups detect that very vibration and it goes into the amplifier and ta-da.

What strings are used in an acoustic electric guitar?

EGDBDF just like in most any other guitar. 440 hz standard tuning is probably still the most popular.

As a beginner should you get a better amp or a better guitar?

This is a matter of personal preference, but I would say the best choice would be to go for a better amp. The sound produced depends on both the guitar and the amp, (and most of the guitar's tone comes from the type of strings) but the amp usually caries variable options to alter the sound. A great guitar will still sound terrible with a poor amp, but a poor guitar can be made to sound awesome when hooked up to a good amp with a variety of settings. Many high quality amps come with built in effects in addition to their excellent sound control, and are worth spending that extra bit of money on. For examples of well known and reliable amps, try Marshall, Vox and Peavey.