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Q: Why do my knuckles crack when I bend my fingers?
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What. Causes. Fingers. To. Bend?

when you crack your fingers, your fingers can't bend when you're older.

What causes fingers not to bend?

when you crack your fingers, your fingers can't bend when you're older.

When you crack your fingers do pieces of bone fall off?

No. Your knuckles crack because of gas bubbles formed in the joints under pressure.

Is good to crack your knuckles?

No it is not because you could eventually break your fingers it does become a habit try to challenge yourself to not crack your fingers for a whole day if you do that congratulate yourself by dong something special.Recent research is showing that people who do crack their knuckles may be more prone to arthritis in the future. This is a good reason not to do this.

Can healthy people crack their knuckles?

yes no they can't you'll get really sore fingers if you do when you grow older

Are cracking your fingers and toes good for you?

I know cracking knuckles leads to fat knuckles when older. So cracking toe knuckles can be harmful. Their only good when you crack them while stretching, not for fun

Does knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog crack his knuckles?

No he doesn't crack his knuckles. That's just his character name.

What makes knuckles crack?

what makes knuckles crack is carbon dioxide bubbles in your knuckles along with cartilage.

Do your fingers have knuckles?

No. They don't. your knuckles are where they should be... farther down your fingers... those are your only knuckles.

How do you make knuckles smaller?

You can't. They get bigger as you crack them. Don't crack your knuckles or you'll resort to big knuckles!

Does Knuckles have fingers?

Knuckles the Echidna has only three fingers because echidnas have connected fingers

Do you damage the cartilage in your knuckles when you crack your knuckles?

No, cracking your knuckles does not damage the cartilage in your joints. The sound is caused by gas bubbles rapidly forming and collapsing within the joint fluid. However, excessive knuckle cracking over time can lead to reduced grip strength and swelling in the hands.