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A fish's colours fade when it is depressed and/or lonely. When it is back with a small school of the same breed, its colours reappear and it will be more active. Also, some tropical fish food has colour enhancing ingredients that make the fish's scales more glossy and bright.

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Q: Why do neon tetras' colors fade sometimes but return to its normal color not long after that?
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What colors are neon tetras?

The Neon Tetras are neon blue with a narrow pinkish or red stripe running across their sides. Very pretty fish and very hardy. Great for starting a new tank with.

Do neon tetras actually have neon in them?

Neon light bulbs work by transmitting electricity through neon gas to produce light. Neon tetras are not electric, so neon is not the culprit of the fishes shimmer. The colors that you see on a neon tetra are a result of iridescence.

How do I know when my pet tetras are playing?

When your tetras are chasing each other in a normal swim pace (about 1 mph), that means that their playing a game of tag. However, when they start chasing each other really fast (I'd say at about 3.4 mph), that means that they're being aggressive. Oh, and one quick other thing: I don't know why, but tetras also play this, well, I don't know, it's probably a race or something. Anyway, they sometimes swim up and down along the edge of the tank.

Do male tetras and female tetras mate?

Yes they do.

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Tetras are freshwater fish.

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What is the chepist fish in a normal pet shop?

It depends what type of tank you have, but Whit cloud mountain minnows are often cheap + Neon Tetras

Do neon tetras have long tails?

No, neon tetras have very short tails.

Are tetras fighting fish?

No, tetras of the same type tend to school together, although some tetras are know to be a bit more aggressive than others.

Do male cardinal tetras fight?

Aaahhh! Male cardinal tetras Ooohhh! Who asked this?

What do glow-tetras eat?

Glow tetras would do well on tropical flake food.

What is the color of most schooling fish?

Most schooling fish tend to have colors of reds or blues with different patterns. Three common schools of fish are tetras, barbs and danios..