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to protect their skin from the sun and sand storms the layers are made from a cotton fabric that reflects the sun during the day so you stay cool and keeps you warm through the night

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Q: Why do nomads wear so many layers in Arabia?
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How many layers do you need to wear in Antarctica?

You can wear as many layers as you require to keep our body warm.

Why do nomads wear what they wear?

Nomads wear that stuff that looks really hot but,it isn't. You see they wear it to keep sand from blowing into their face and the rest of their body.

How many layers of footwear did the Inuits wear?

they wore 5 layers

How many layers do you have to wear in antarctica?

You wear as many as it takes to keep you warm.

What do nomads do in the Sahara?

They wear howli's

How many layers does Frodo wear BEFORE he reached Rivendell?

4 Layers.

What do nomads wear?

tucked jeans and linen shirts.

What did nomads wear?

Nomads would thick sheepskin and other animal skin as clothing to protect themselves from the elements. Nomads would wonder about, not settling in one place.

What activities should one wear base layers for?

You can wear base layers for many activities. Wearing base layers is a good way to keep you warm or cool. This makes it great for sports such as biking or skiing.

What clothes did a highway men wear?

They wear ragged clothes, or nothing. Kidding, but they probably wear ragged clothes, or wear many layers.

How many layers does a person wear in the south pole?

depends if they are fat.

What colour of clothes do nomads wear?

black,brown and sometimes white