

Why do northerners call southerners rebels?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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Because those states were in rebellion against the USA

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Why were northerners called southerners rebels in the civil war?

because they are not southerners they keep away from them

How do you spell rebels the way they did during the civil war?

The Southerners were called Rebels. The Northerners were called Yankees. The spellings are the same today.

Why do you think northerners called southerners ''rebels''?

Because the southern states had rebelled against the USA.

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Northerners were called the Union. Southerners were called the Confederacy.

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Rebs (short for Rebels) and seshes (short for secessionists) were two.

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The northerners were called Rebels or Johnny Reb .... Southerners were called Yankees or Billy Yank .

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Some southerners from the US call people from the north Northerners while there are some that call them Yankees. Others simply call them by their first name.

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Southerners were delighted with the Dred Scott decision, but northerners were outraged.

Why did the southerners call the southerners the rebels?

They did not recognise the Confederacy as a sovereign nation. They regarded it as a collection of states in rebellion against the US IMPROVEMENT .....and they called them "rebels" or "Johnny Reb" or "Goddamn secessionists"

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