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they have a high mortality rate.

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Q: Why do only half of frogs eggs turn into tadpolds?
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Does poison dart frogs lay eggs?

yes only the adults

Do frogs lay small white eggs?

No, frogs only lay clear eggs with a brown or black nucleus. Normally in some sort of water. Frogs lay them in large clumps and toads lay them in a string.

How do you know if the frogs have laid eggs?

Assuming you have captive frogs, most frogs will lay their eggs in water, soms hide their eggs under leaves. In small frogs it will be hard to see any difference in a pregnent female and one that has spawned. Inspecting your terrarium on a regular basis is the only way to be certain.

When does a frog leve its frogs born?

Any type of frog, if you have noticed, lays many eggs but they can only do this in water. Frogs tend to lay their eggs than leave them right after they are done.

Do frogs leave their eggs after hatched and never come back?

Nearly all frogs lay their eggs and then leave. There are some frogs that carry the eggs on their backs until they are ready to hatch. There is another type of frog that only lays one egg at a time in a little puddle. When the egg hatches, she feeds the tadpole some of her own unfertilized eggs.

Are red eyed tree frogs eggs green?

All amphibians lay clear eggs. Frogs are first born as tadpoles, and only breath underwater, so their eggs need to be in water, for them to survive, so a hard outer shell would be difficult for them to hatch.

Are poison dart frogs sexual or asexual reproduction?

All frogs have a sexual reproduction. Most frogs fertilize their eggs external, like the poison dart frogs, only some species are known to have an internal fertilization, eg (Ascaphus).

How many eggs does a tree frog lay?

Tree frogs general do not lay as many eggs as larger frogs. such as the bull frog, which can lay as many as 25,000 eggs. For example, the green tree frog only lays about 400 eggs. The number will vary from species to species.

Why do fish and frogs lay eggs in hundreds where as a hen lays only one at a time?

chickens are larger they cant produce that many. also hens raise their young so they have a highersurvivalrate where frogs just lay the eggs and and leave same goes for fish and only a small % of them will make it to sexual maturity

Compare and contrast frogs to caecilians?

The contrast is caecilians are the only amphibians that are blind. The compare is they lay their eggs in a water source

Do frogs die after spawning?

no only samon do... aquarium fish ofcourse do not. they only live as long as their lifespan

Do frogs abandon their eggs?

Most frogs mate, lay their eggs and leave them to develop un attended. There strategy is that they lay so many eggs that some will survive to adulthood.However there are species of tree frog that lay only a few eggs and tend them until they hatch. Once hatched they carry the tadpoles up forest trees one at a time and deposit them in pools of water in bromeliad plants. The mother frog then feeds them unfertilized eggs till they become adult frogs.