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That is a typical and commonly asked question among girls. The reason why some girls get bad period pains and others don't is because we are all different. Some girls have a heavy flow and some have a light flow. Some girls may experience "Stomach pains" referred to as shedding of the "Uterus". If you experience bad abdominal pains that is because the Uterus is contracting.


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Q: Why do only some people get bad period pains?
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If YOUR having MY period, and I'M having some pains like YOUR pregnant, then WE BOTH BETTER HAVE SOME TESTS DONE because there are some mysterious happenings going on!

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Period pains are not uncommon. One cause is contractions in the uterus. The best thing to do is see a doctor or pharmacist because some pain relief is possible but not always with conventional analgesics (pain killers). Be thankful though your pains are lasting only three days. Some women can experience period pains for two weeks.

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you dont get paid as much, back pains, wrist pains, shoulder pains, finger pains. lots of people think that musicians are weird, wont respect you as much as people who play sport

What are the signs when your about to have your period?

Some people don't have signs for their periods.Usually the signs are stomach pains, headaches, and if you're heavy, back and leg pains.It really depends on the person.Some people who are heavy, have more obvious signs, but people who have light periods, sometimes don't notice the signs.As I said, usually headaches, stomach pains, pains on your thighs and back pains.Some people are even snappy, and a bit out of character.It just depends what type of person you are.

If im have your period and you have some pains like im pregnant can you take a test would it work?

This is just a normal period. There is no need to take a test

What does it mean when you get your period sept 30 with pregnant synthoms and then oct 26 with the same fatigue light pains near uterus some dizzyness and my period only lasted for 2 days this time?

It means you should see a doctor and ask him what is going on

What pains do you get befour your peirod?

Some people do not get any. However many ladies tend to get some stomach pains prior though this is not universal, nor does it happen every time.