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They aren't, or at least not like you seem to think.

The bones in arms and legs (along with most large-ish bones, ie pelvis) contain marrow. Red bone marrow is found at the ends of the bone and is involved in a number of blood regulating functions, and yellow 'fatty' marrow is in the middle of the bones.

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Q: Why do our bones in arms and legs are tube like structure?
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the main difference between the bones of legs and skull is in their structure and function. The bones of legs like tibia and fibula are long and strongest bones that provide support and mobility to the body. While the bones of the skull; cranium, temporal bone are flat and softer than bones of legs .The bones of skull play protective role in providing safety to the brain.

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a limb is an appendage, like arms and legs it is not however a thing in your body like your heart

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Monkeys have two legs and two arms.

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Gorillas have 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand. Just like humans.

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No. Frog legs are eaten much like chicken, you eat the meat and discard the bones.

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