An "extremity" refers to your limbs (arms and legs). Lower extremities are your legs; upper extremities are your arms.
You may mean 'frantically' which means in an extreme hurry.
The correct spelling is extreme (severe, intrense).
Blatently-Brazenly obvious, flamboyant, to the extreme.
It is practically synonymous with repulsion: it is a reaction of extreme aversion or disgust.
An extreme value will drag the mean value towards it.
extreme lack of substance required
an extreme conservative
You may mean 'frantically' which means in an extreme hurry.
Fantastic, enormous, extreme
extreme terrain
The median is least affected by an extreme outlier. Mean and standard deviation ARE affected by extreme outliers.
The correct spelling is extreme (severe, intrense).
Outliers pull the mean in the direction of the outlier.
last of final anointing
What is that supposed to mean?